Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Selective Policing Reveals Campaign of Harassment

Selective policing reveals campaign of harassment

The MacGowan-Macloughlan cumann of the 32csm wishes to highlight recent garda tactics being used to intimidate our activists. In the past week a number of our members have received summons to appear in court for taking part in the Anti fees march of November 3rd 2010. During that march over a thousand students broke away from the main body of the march to show their frustration with the reformist leadership of the union of students in Ireland(USI). A large number of students, along with several 32csm activists occupied the department of Finance building in a peaceful protest. The gardai as usual over-reacted and brutally attacked the people occupying the building. They then deployed riot police to attack a sit down protest. Now in the midst of a renewed campaign of harassment to facilitate the visit of the Queen this incident is being used to harass 32csm members. Of the dozens of students who occupied the building it has been our activists singled out for this attention.
We fully support the students fighting for their right to thrid level education, the agenda of the Fine Gael-Labour coalition is to suppress all dissent, be it social or political. This is merely another stage in their strategy to iplement the demands of the IMF. We urge all geuine socialists and republicans to support our members being harassed for standing against this agenda.
Beir Bua!

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