The McGowan- Mcloughlin Cumann of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement wishes to make clear our vehement opposition to the latest budget from the Free State government. This budget was drafted under the supervision of the International Monetary Fund, it is not surprising then to see that it is attacking the most vulnerable sections in our society. The neo liberal agenda being pursued here is not a result of a downturn in the economy, rather it is an ideological assertion of the right of an elite to power and privilege.
The cuts to the dole and other social welfare are cruel and unnecessary. There is no margin of excess when you have to live on the minimum wage or welfare, the basic minimum is the best the people of Ireland could have hoped for. Now it is clear that they cannot expect even this. There has been a large amount of revisionism put forward about what happened during the so called boom years, and it must be challenged. We did not all benefit and become wealthy during the past ten years; we are not all responsible for the bank bailouts and the crisis. During the "Celtic Tiger" the wealth remained in the hands of the few, so did the power. So it is their responsibility, to pay for their mistakes.
The 32csm has supported the various campaigns against the cuts and we will continue to do so. Our presence on these marches has led to increased garda harassment of our members but we will not be deterred by this. On the march on the 7th of December our members were constantly followed, harassed and physcially contained by a large number of gardai. We would like to thank the gardai for their concern for our safety and we assure them that we are more than capable of taking care of ourselves! We urge all republicans to support the future protests and acts of civil disobedience and we remind the Free State government that just as Ireland unfree shall never be at peace, Ireland under capitalism will never be at peace either.
Beir Bua!